Parents of Children Under 18Please take a few minutes to watch these videos and learn about the valuable advantages they explain. My business is helping people save, grow and protect their money. If you would like to learn more or ask specific questions please let me know by contacting me today.
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Family Protection1 out of every 6 men and 1 out of every 9 women will not live to retire. It's a fact that people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s die unexpectedly every day. We might not want to think that we could be one of them, but those are simply the facts. Watch this video to learn more about keeping your family safe no matter what happens to you.
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Mortgage ProtectionAccording to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, more than half of all home foreclosures are the result of the death or disability of the homeowner because every year thousands of homeowners are critically injured or diagnosed with an illness that prevents them from earning an income to pay their mortgage. Watch this video to learn how to protect your home from a similar situation.
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College Funding"529" College Funding Plans are tax-exempt savings plans authorized by Section 529 of the internal revenue code. But there are four drawbacks to 529 plans, watch this short video to learn more about the optimal way for you to save for future education expenses.
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Universal LifeWe pay for life insurance because we want to protect our family's financial security and to provide them with tax free money to pay off home mortgages, auto loans, credit cards as well as to replace the monthly income they would lose if we are no longer there. Watch this video to learn how Universal Life insurance can help as our needs for life insurance changes throughour our lives.
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Living BenefitsWhen we experience a serious injury or illness, one that is potentially life threatening like cancer, heart attack, stroke, and especially if our condition is critical and we are in pain, we will do or agree to whatever it takes to alleviate our pain, and improve our condition even if the cost is not covered by our health insurance. Watch this video to learn how living benefits can assist you at the time you may need them most.
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Lifetime Financial SecurityLife insurance that only pays off when we die is a problem because the threat to our family's financial security is not limited to our death. In fact, due to advances in medical technology, many of us are surviving an injury or disease that in the past would have resulted in our death. Watch this video to learn how your family can have lifetime financial security if you are alive but can no longer support them financially.
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